From Me to You · WWW Wednesday

from me to you #23 (WWW Wednesday on a Thursday & Our Dark Duet by Victoria Schwab cover!)

Hello, guys! I know I haven’t been around much lately but I am so back now! It’s been a busy and crazy week for me with all the birthdays and night-outs with my friends and family but honestly I needed those. And though I prefer staying home and reading books, I love hanging out with them! I’m also a little behind with my books so I need to get some reading done. But before I get to my WWW Thursday, look what I saw on Twitter earlier:


It’s the cover for the sequel of This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab, Our Dark Duet!! I know I’m a little biased since I love blue (and Victoria Schwab) but isn’t it lovely? It is!! ๐Ÿ˜€ And you guys might have already seen it but it’s my first time so forgive me for being too excited. Yay!!

Now to my WWW,ย  I’m currently reading (still) Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan Matson which I’m loving more and more! It reminds me so much of With This Heart by R.S. Grey (which I just finished last week) with the road trip and everything. I also decided to re-read Vampire Kisses by Ellen Schreiber since it’s Halloween, you guys!! Beside Twilight series, Vampire Kisses series is the only vampire book I’ve read in my life. And if you have any recommendation for a good vampire book, please let me know!!

Paper Princess by Erin Watt was the only book I managed to finish last week. I posted a review earlier and you can view it here. For my next reads, I’m sticking with The Maze Runner by James Dashner and Attachment by Rainbow Rowell.

Well, that was fast. Anyway, enjoy the rest of the week and HAPPY READING! ๐Ÿ™‚

5 thoughts on “from me to you #23 (WWW Wednesday on a Thursday & Our Dark Duet by Victoria Schwab cover!)

  1. My mum seems to think I’m obsessed with vampires but I’m really not. The Sookie Stackhouse books are good (Tru Blood TV series) if you’re OK with adult. Also recently enjoyed The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa and Rachel Caines Morganville Vampire series if you want YA

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay! Thanks for these recommendations!! I’ve heard of The Immortal Rules before and actually have it on my TBR so I guess I’m checking that one first! ๐Ÿ™‚ The Sookie Stackhouse and Morganville Vampire I’ll have to check later. And what’s wrong with being obsessed with vampires? My mom’s still in love with Twilight if you believe it! Haha ๐Ÿ˜€

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    1. Haha. I love blue! ๐Ÿ˜› But either way I’m also looking forward to the book. Schwab instantly became one of my favorites after reading her Shades of Magic Series and I’m loving her more and more. ๐Ÿ™‚


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